Calle 3 de Agosto 22, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea • Telf: (+240) 333 09 32 04
Store location:
Calle 3 de Agosto 22,
Malabo, Bioko Norte,
Equatorial Guinea
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
08:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
Tel: (+240) 333 09 32 04
Safety working on water or at sea, inland or offshore.
Marine Safety Life Jacket. Flourescent, alarm whistle
Marine Worker Life Jacket. Basic, easy to wear work jacket
PFD vests. General purpose tough, lightweight, ajustable
Survival Work Vest. Comfortable & ventilated for easy movement
YAK Ravine Bouyancy Aid. Multiple pockets, attachments for rescue
Industrial Buoyancy Aid. Easy to work & wear foam heavy duty cover
Crewfit 150N Gas Lifejacket. Inflatable, optional harness
Seacrewsader 275N. Twin chamber inflatable lifejacket